Category Archives: Radio

PODCAST: #PrayforFlint: The Poisoning of a City, Love & Hip Hop,+ Stacey Dash Versus BET


Listen to the latest episode from Hollie Wood and Friends


We’ll be chopping it up about:

  • The poisoning of a city #PrayForFlint
  • Stacey Dash-of-salt
  • Love & Hip-Hop
  • Macklemore’s “White Privilege II”

and a whole lot MORE!



Durieux Music @durieuxmusic [IG]

Breastfeeding in public. Should mothers nurse their children in private?


Lastly, #WhatBlowsMine (where you, the listener can call in and tell the world what’s that one thing that just gets under your skin)

Tune in live Sunday afternoon at 12pm EST!

You can call 646-716-8544 just to listen or press 1 when you hear a topic you want to chime in about, we’ll bring you on live.

Interview with Siya of Oxygen’s Sisterhood of Hip Hop

Tune in as Hollie Wood, Venor, and Miss Juddy of Hollie Wood & Friends (aka #TheSundayDinnerCrew) interview Siya of Oxygen’s Sisterhood of Hip Hop.

The music of Lil Kim, Mos Def, The Notorious B.I.G, Big Daddy Kane, and Jay-Z has resonated throughout the airwaves for decades. These artists have been influential to people around the world and are considered to be “Gods” of Hip Hop. Though they have impacted the nation with their lyrical content and extraordinary delivery, no one place has been more impacted than that of Brooklyn, Bed-Stuy to be exact. The music of these “Gods” has given birth to many artist in the industry that have come and gone. Their most recent creation brings a different quality and uniqueness to Hip Hop that has not been touched in mainstream Hip Hop before. Siya, The Bed-Stuy Bully, is definitely a product of her environment when it comes to music. sisterhoodlogo Born in California, Siya was relocated to New York at the age of seven while her mother fought a drug addiction. Soon after moving to Bed-Stuy, her father was convicted of a crime that sentenced him to a lifetime incarceration. Siya’s major influence in life was her grandmother. She provided the mother that she was lacking and natured her like her own, but the streets of Bed-Stuy played their own roll in her life. Siya was convicted of a crime at a young age were she would serve sometime in a women’s facility. During that time she was able to take the negative and turn it into a positive as she began to perfect her music in ways many would take notice to. After her time was served, Siya immediately took to Atlanta to begin pursuing music as her lifetime career. Performing in venues such as, Compound, CW Loft, and Masquerade, her buzz began to catch the attention of many major labels and also well-known artists. Meeting after meeting labels would feed Siya the dream of signing her to a major deal. As time went on, all those talks were just that. Most people were afraid of how an openly gay female rapper would fit in the industry compared to the women out at that time. As discouraging, as this could have been Siya remained determined and continued to kill shows and made sure when she opened for a big named that they took notice. 1966828_625798034199763_6121558291958172361_n In the midst of her grind someone did take notice. R&B legend Tank reached out to Siya and let her know he wanted to represent her and help take her to the next level. Soon after their talks Siya moved to Los Angeles and began her journey with Tank. Tank, a unique talent his own, did not want Siya to change a thing. He believed in who she is and wanted her to continue to be “The Bed-Stuy Bully.” Their debut project together “D.Y.K.E” featuring their collaboration track, “D.Y.K.E” has gained over 50 thousand downloads. The relationship has shown to be beneficial to both and is gaining speed on a daily. Word around the industry is that Siya is the “Next Big Thing,” but if you were to ask her she’s always been the “NEXT BIG THING.” After connecting with Tank, he was on a mission to get SIYA heard and seen — reaching out to all of his industry contacts for opportunities. By chance, Atlanta’s, T.I. contacted Tank to out to fill a spot for Oxygen’s freshman reality series surrounding female rappers, Sisterhood of Hip-Hop. And the rest of history is being made.

Official SIYA website:

Buy SIYA’s newest single, “Real MVP” on iTunes.

Actor River Alexander: “The Way Way Back”

Tune in as Stacey Brewer of H. Blu’s Word speaks with one of the co-stars of The Way Way BackRiver Alexander (“Peter”).

At 8 years old, River got his start in community theatre in Florida. By age 10, he desired to try for larger, more professional shows. He started auditioning in New York City and soon afterwards he was cast in the Off-Broadway and Broadway musical ‘Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson’. He went on to land roles in Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre ‘A Christmas Story, the Musical’, as well as the Broadway National Tour of ‘Billy Elliot’. River has also starred on television shows like 2 Broke Girls, Person of Interest, and the First Family.

Tune in also to hear Stacey review the film The Way Way Back

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