Lil Mama Speaks With Hampton Blu on Left Eye Role

Tune in as Hollie Wood & Friends (featuring Hollie Wood, Venor, and M.J.) interview actress, rapper, speaker, and entrepreneur Lil Mama. She speaks on her upcoming role as Left Eye in VH1’s TLC biopic, her new series, Hip Hop Sisters with MC Lyte, and much more!

Lil Mama is a force to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment and her experiences have positioned her to exude wisdom beyond her years. Lil Mama served as a judge for seven seasons on MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew, enjoyed billboard placement success with the release of her first album, which spawned the popular song “Lip Gloss.” Lil Mama also reigns as the youngest member of the Hip Hop Sisters Legends Performance series, founded by rap legend MC Lyte.

This is a must listen interview! Lil Mama is truly a quadruple threat!

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Check out interview below:


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